A decision is now expected at the end of March.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Roads Service Play Scrooge
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Is a decision imminent?
Saturday, 1 November 2008
EWPG's mid-term break
Friday, 24 October 2008
We've got it figured
Saturday, 4 October 2008
The Facts of Living
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
It Doesn't Stack Up
The final blow arrived when Colm McElholm from Roads Service revealed that not only will his Department not consider erecting multi-storey car parks in Enniskillen, but they also have plans to make the free parking facility at Queen Street in Enniskillen a 'pay and display' park, creating further problems for workers in the town.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Well Done One & All
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
5 Minute Investment Plan
Do you really believe that Roads Service will stop at converting approximately 50% of the spaces at Queen Street to P & D?
Do you think that they will maintain the proposed charge of 30p per 3 hour stay?
Are you convinced that Queen Street will be the last car park to suffer this fate?
Do you know what percentage of every £1 collected in parking revenue goes into the coffers of NCP, and consequently out of the Province?
Please give up 5 minutes of your time next Monday and you could very well save yourself £700 per year in parking charges. Previous campaigns to retain maternity services at the Erne Hospital, and to secure the siting of a new state of the art hospital on the outskirts of Enniskillen, have shown that the people of Fermanagh can be a formidable force when they set their minds to it. Although we would be the first to admit that car parking is not as emotive an issue as health care, these proposals nevertheless, if adopted, will have serious financial implications for many workers in our County town, and will set a dangerous precedent. Monday is to all intents and purposes a referendum of the future of 'free' car parking in the heart of Enniskillen.
Monday, 15 September 2008
Different Tactics (Same Goal)
Make Your Voice Heard
Gallagher's Garden
Saturday, 13 September 2008
A Little History
Roads Service have been busy
Sunday, 7 September 2008
We're Back
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Taking our case to Stormont
Monday, 28 April 2008
NO 2 P & D
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Workers signing up
On the morning of Friday, 11 April members of EWPG visited the car parks at Queen Street, Castle Place and Wellington Place. Our mission was to increase awareness of the proposals being put forward by Roads Service in relation to car parking, and to highlight the likely implications for workers.
The response was incredible, with everyone being receptive to our message. So much so, that we succeeded in collecting 600+ signatures on our petition forms within the space of 90 minutes. We were also greatly encouraged by the fact that no fewer than 7 politicians turned up to show their solidarity with the town's workers, while apologies and messages of support were received from a number of others.
We are also indebted to the Fermanagh Council of Trade Unions for their assistance on the day and for their continued support with our campaign.
This was an extremely worthwhile exercise and had a re-energising effect on our group. Please continue to check this site for news of further activities.
Playing Your Part
ANYONE could have done it,
But NO ONE wanted to,
But SOMEONE could have only done,
What EVERYONE knew they could do.
When NO ONE wanted to do it,
EVERYONE was doing something else,
If only SOMEONE would have done it,
Instead, they cared about only themselves.
EVERYONE knew that they were able to do it,
But NO ONE would stand up to be that ONE.
Since NO ONE would volunteer to do it,
NO ONE did what ANYONE could have done.
So if NO ONE wants to do it,
Then YOU stand up and be that SOMEONE.
Because ANYONE can set a sincere example,
And be a leader for EVERYONE.
Mark Anthony Thomas is an award winning author, freelance writer, literary artist, and motivational speaker. He very kindly gave permission for his poem, 'What Anyone Could Do' to be included on this site, and it would be great if his words inspire each and every one of you to play a part in this campaign. So start sending those letters and emails, if you haven't done so already.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Our Politicians
However it is important that workers continue to lobby politicians in respect of this issue. Letter writing and emailing can be time consuming, but well worth the effort if it helps you to save £700 per year.
Contact details for MLA's can be obtained by clicking on the 'membership' option on the following website:
Please remember to include Conor Murphy MP MLA (Department of Regional Development) on your mailing list.
Local councillors can be contacted as follows:
(click on The Council, then Councillors)
It may also be worthwhile informing the Chief Executive of Fermanagh District Council, Rodney Connor of your views:
Share your views with Roads Service
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Do they know us at all?
- that the County and its hinterland is predominantly rural
- that the public transport system is inadequate
- that consequently workers have little option other than to drive to work
- that many workers employed in shops/service sector are on, or just above the minimum wage
- that these workers cannot afford to pay £700 per annum in parking charges (not that anyone can)
- that ultimately such businesses will experience difficulties in recruiting staff
Maybe someone will inform Roads Service accordingly.
A Worker's Lot
- saddled with a mortgage
- struggling to put children through 3rd level education
- having to pay for childcare
- faced with an increased domestic rates bill (expected to rise even further once the proposed amalgamation of Fermanagh and Omagh councils occurs)
- fearful of what the imminent water charges will bring
- worried about NIPSA warning that up to 10,000 public service jobs could disappear within N. Ireland
- concerned that the current state of world financial markets will have a devastating effect on pension fund
- irritated by the ever spiralling costs of keeping a vehicle on the road
- resigned to the fact that rising fuel costs will in turn increase the cost of everything e.g. weekly shop, domestic heating bill etc
- frustrated by own inability to save money
- outraged that Roads Service would even consider inflicting further taxation upon workers
Monday, 21 April 2008
It doesn't stop at Queen Street
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Unanswered Questions
- how much of this revenue is Roads Service spending on the upkeep of the road network within County Fermanagh?
- what percentage is leaving Northern Ireland and finding its way into the coffers of NCP Services?
We shall await the Roads Service reply with much interest.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Commitment (or lack of) to Fermanagh
The red herring of Holyhill
Roads Service Proposals
Introduce 'pay & display' at the car park in Queen Street, Enniskillen (95 spaces)
Change the tariff in Quay Lane south car park from 30p for three hours to 30p per hour
Provide approximately 27 additional free car parking spaces at Wellington Place
(formal legislative and consultation processes to take place August / September this year).