Saturday, 26 April 2008

Our Politicians

To date our MLA's and local councillors have been fully supportive of our efforts. It is indeed gratifying to report that our campaign enjoys cross party support and that our elected representatives are prepared to stand up for the town's workers. They have been generous with their time, and are a constant source of advice and guidance.

However it is important that workers continue to lobby politicians in respect of this issue. Letter writing and emailing can be time consuming, but well worth the effort if it helps you to save £700 per year.

Contact details for MLA's can be obtained by clicking on the 'membership' option on the following website:

Please remember to include Conor Murphy MP MLA (Department of Regional Development) on your mailing list.

Local councillors can be contacted as follows:

(click on The Council, then Councillors)

It may also be worthwhile informing the Chief Executive of Fermanagh District Council, Rodney Connor of your views:

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