Gallagher's Garden (see previous posting) was the subject of a tribute in verse by local Enniskillen poet, Gerry Quinn (now deceased). Once again, Gabriel Murphy is responsible for bringing this to our attention. Unfortunately owing to the constraints of space we are unable to include the full text of the poem, but have inserted some verses at random. The complete poem can be found in the excellent local publication ' A Dander Down the Streets'
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From the days of my youth I remember
Where the river flows close to Hall's Lane
Two Brothers called Mickey and Henry
Kept a garden, an income to gain .
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And they worked that sweet soil to a pattern
With a graip, a long shovel and spade
'Till it looked overall like a picture
Some famous engraver had made .
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They had carrots, leeks and red rhubard,
Spring onions and lettuce galore
And their parsley, garlic and spinach
Scented the air by the shore .
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Now time must forever bring changes
The brothers are long laid to rest
And the garden they lovingly tended
Now is as a car-park addressed .
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