Tuesday 18 August 2009

The decision is......NO Decision

The Roads Service decision in relation to Queen Street car park is NO DECISION.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Not Much Longer To Wait

Roads Service deferred a decision on the future status of Queen Street car park, originally expected prior to Christmas 2008.
The announcement was postponed until the end of March in order that they could undertake a survey of car park utilisation throughout the town. We have now almost arrived at this milestone, and in common with the workers of the west end of Enniskillen, EWPG is eagerly awaiting the outcome.
Consequently we would appeal to Roads Service to adhere to this deadline.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Email Address

Please note that our email address has changed with immediate effect. It is now as follows:
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Monday 9 March 2009

We Are One

EWPG recently reached an important milestone when we celebrated our first year in existence.

At this point in time we would have expected the issue of Queen Street car park to have been resolved but unfortunately that decision is out of our hands.

However we remained totally committed to the campaign and wish to reassure the workers of Enniskillen that we will see this matter through to its conclusion. After all, we are one!

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Don't just take our word for it ....

The Q101.2 FM news bulletin (8am) on Wednesday, 4 February referred to the fact that the influx of cross border shoppers had made little difference to the independent traders of Enniskillen.

This remark was attributed to Glen Roberts of the Northern Ireland Retail Trade Association. Mr Roberts had been attending an Oireachtas committee meeting the previous day in order to highlight the serious plight of retailers in the Republic of Ireland during the current economic downturn. The meeting 'flagged up' the threat posed to such businesses by the so-called super stores and urged the retention of the cap on large retail outlets.

A Sunday Times article (8 Feb) deals primarily with the contrasting fortunes of Newry and Dundalk. However mention is made of Enniskillen and the fact that only Asda and Tesco are prospering to any great extent.


All of this would appear to render the Roads Service proposal to introduce 'pay and display' at Queen Street car park completely unnecessary.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Survey at Head Street

EWPG's latest survey of utilisation at the adjacent P&D car park at Head Street reveals that there are ample available spaces.
This amenity can accommodate 57 vehicles and our figures reflect the number of empty spaces at the time of our count. The figure in brackets (when it occurs) represents vehicles from the ROI occupying parking spaces.

08 Jan @ 1200 hrs = 05
09 Jan @ 1035 hrs = 15 (1)
12 Jan @ 1030 hrs = 29
13 Jan @ 1215 hrs = 09
15 Jan @ 1500 hrs = 15
20 Jan @ 1430 hrs = 16 (1)
21 Jan @ 1205 hrs = 24
22 Jan @ 1120 hrs = 12
23 Jan @ 1005 hrs = 27
24 Jan @ 1400 hrs = 21 (2)
26 Jan @ 1135 hrs = 18
27 Jan @ 1425 hrs = 18 (1)
28 Jan @ 1215 hrs = 22
29 Jan @ 1430 hrs = 05 (3)
30 Jan @ 1435 hrs = 07 (2)
31 Jan @ 1220 hrs = 48 (2)

Stepping Up Our Protest

Now that a decision on Queen Street car park has been deferred until the end of March it is imperative that we step up our campaign.
Consequently the committee members of EWPG will be meeting to discuss future activities. Prior to the public information exercise held in Enniskillen Library on 29 November we had planned an Autumn event at the Diamond. A number of musicians had agreed to perform, and one of the local Radio Stations was going to be in attendance. Following the meeting with Roads Service on the afore mentioned date we decided to place this event on hold as we anticipated a resolution of the Queen Street issue prior to Christmas.
Unfortunately our optimism proved to be unfounded and we now need to reassert our opposition to this absurd proposal. We are receptive to suggestions from our members and other interested parties. So get those thinking caps on!